"Tension is who you think you should be. Relaxation is who you are"


Samantha is a Licensed Massage Therapist certified in Therapeutic Massage and Hydrotherapy. Practicing various forms of therapies, each client is individually assessed to find the perfect and necessary treatment to best benefit their body. Massage is a great alternative medicine in that it can treat a number of ailments.   Sore/tight muscles, depression, anxiety, carpal tunnel, plantar fasciitis , high blood pressure, stress, and so much more, are manageable by the gift of touch. Take care of your mind/body and schedule an appointment today!  


Lay back and relax with a 35, 60, or 90 minute treatment.

Samantha practices various types of therapies including: Swedish massage, hydrotherapy, reflexology, polarity therapy, shiatsu, pregnancy massage, sports massage, and energy work.


35 minutes - $30

65 minutes - $60

90 minutes - $85

Your Experience

Take an hour out of your day to rejuvenate yourself, recover, and relax with Samantha. Your body has always done all it can to take care of you, now it's time to give back! 

Visit us now!


"I have not had to see the chiropractor since I started going to Sam" -- Dylan, Andover, NY

"The energy that came from her hands was so incredibly healing to my mind and body. It opened my eyes to the world of alternative medicine and I am now a faithful client. " -- Timothy, Greenwood, NY